? Sibot – The floating Bridge over the Mures (brodina) - Centrul de Informare Turistica - Romos, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA

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Sibot – The floating Bridge over the Mures (brodina)

Other sights:

Bacainti – religious buildings
Balomiru de Camp – churches




brod_balomirThe floating Bridge over the Mureș (brodina) is a means of transportation on water met throughout the middle and lower Mureș. A kind of „non-motorized ferry” which, by an ingenious system, exploits hydropower to push the boat perpendicular to the course. It is used since ancient times, as river crossing for people, animals and vehicles. There are In the 3 such brodinas in the village: at Băcăinți, at Sibot and at Balomiru de Câmp.


