? Romos – The place called „La Zleamăn”, on the Monk’s Hill - Centrul de Informare Turistica - Romos, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA

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Romos – The place called „La Zleamăn”, on the Monk’s Hill

Other sights:
Romos – Traces of Neolithic settlements
Romos – The Evangelical Parsonage and The Orthodox Church




  • The place called „La Zleamăn”, on the Monk’s Hill: in the Romos neighboring forest; it is assumed that this is where the Romos Student’s house (Casa Studentul din Romos) was located – he is believed to be the first Romanian scholar to ever become famous across the continent. His work, A Treatise on the Habits, Manners, Injustice and Breeding of the Turks, published in Rome in 1475, became the first bestseller in Europe. By 1660, 27 editions were printed. The one in 1580 was prefaced by Luther.
    On his real name Christian Cloos, the student of Romos was born in 1438, in the home of a Saxon peasant. While studying for high school in Sebes, the citadel was besieged by the Turkish troops led by Murad II. The Tailors Tower, in which he barricaded himself together with the guard’s commander and his brother, refusing to surrender, was last one the Turks conquered. Since then, the locals call it the Student’s Tower.
    He was captured and sold into slavery in Edirne, and had been owned by several Turk masters over his 22 years of captivity. He was finally released, along with other prisoners, in Sebes, following negotiations conducted, it seems, by Vlad Dracul. Afterwards, he went to Western Europe, in Italy and Germany, where he continued his studies. Everything he learned in his captivity and slavery years was capitalized in the book that made him famous.
    He returned home and lived up to 80 years. The legend says that after the Field of Bread battle, he housed in an injured Turk, a Turk who apparently was the son of his last master.
