? Romos – The house and studio of Aurel Nedel, the painter - Centrul de Informare Turistica - Romos, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA

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Romos – The house and studio of Aurel Nedel, the painter

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Romos – The Romoșelului Valley





  • The house and studio of Aurel Nedel, the painter: Vaida village, 7 km from Romos on paved country road. With his son, Vladimir, he had set up a workroom in his family’s backyard. Aurel Nedel was considered by his peers „the greatest living painter”, until January 2014, when he died at the age of 84. He was a disciple of Alexandru Ciucurencu at the Institute of Arts „Nicolae Grigorescu” in Bucharest, where he graduated in 1956. He was the Honorary President and founding member of the Artists Union of Romania. His works have been exhibited in France, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Israel, Sweden, Bulgaria, USA and Japan.
  • The last images of the painter alive

Along with the historian Aurel Radutiu


Vaidei, August 13, 2013


The workshop on Vaidei


The latest creations






